Sunday, June 5, 2011


Hi Everyone,

these are the pebbles I found at a yardsale for $1.00. The picture with the jar is something I found at Target but seems a bit pricey. I also heard you can get them from Dollar Tree or maybe check freecycle. OR you could just use rocks.

I also am thinking that I will hang on to the pebbles for Ammon and Aaron because they would probably eat em or lose em lol ...

this is not meant to be a lot of work in keeping track and records, cause I am so not good at that. I will probably do my best to keep track maybe a tally mark of some sort that the kids could see... and just pay off the kids on trading day.

I really like Kathie's idea of some sort of treat after earning 10 or so pebbles.

post a comment and dont forget to click follow ...


  1. Let me know when you have a firm date . . . my grandkids will be here for a couple of weeks this summer and they would go nuts for this. They would even love it if they just got to shop with a few pebbles and didn't have a "store" of their own. (They're pretty little--I might need to help them a tad.) What an awesome idea!

  2. With little babies in the house who like to put them in their mouths, I can't use pebbles, but I printed play money yesterday, and my kids like that better. Especially Ben who cleaned my whole house yesterday to get his "money". Thanks, this is a great idea.
