Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Trading Day Was a Blast!!

We had so much fun at "Trading Day." My kids were looking forward to this day all summer, and they deserved it. We had 8 families participate, and it looks like we recruited a few of my neighbors for next year :) We decided to use paper currency that worked out really well. Thanks to Michele Nelson for making money and being our bank manager LOL!

I pretty much let my kids run their little stores. They made posters, set up their tables, managed their money. My son Asa spent most of his time selling. He made about $1,000. He didn't have much time to spend his money because he was so busy and into making money LOL! Ammon who is 5 on the other hand spent all of his money and spent much of the evening asking me for a $50 lol, I encouraged him to get to his store, sell his junk to make more money lol. Aarbear my 3 year old bought candy and delicious cookies from the Nelsons!

At the end of the evening, the kids had a blast, they are all motivated to earn more points, we got rid of some junk, brought home some junk lol, got sugar wasted, made some great memories! Oh and we happen to do a little missionary work :)

Hope more families can join next year!

Enjoy the pix. (parents let me know if you want me to take some of these down)

Trading Day Begins

Asa opening his store
Lauren and Kate bartering lol
Lance buying a delicious Nelson Cupcake! Most expensive cupcakes I ever bought, but totally worth the whole $20 lol
Asa spent most of his time "selling" he'll be a great salesmen lol
Check out Jason and his customers. Are you selling your stuff Jason or buying back your toys lol
Luke was selling the coolest toys there!
Check out the Lava lamp. Fitu bought one, resold it to Asa, and then gave it to Jason lol kinda glad we didn't have to bring it home lol

Christian said "wait take a picture of me." LOL rock on dude!
Cumorah - chocolate wasted! I know I'm a terrible mother .... lol
Kainoa, Ben shopping at Jason's store. Ammon and Fitu buying all the candy ...
Laure, Kainoa, Ben ;) Happy kids who worked hard and earned themselves a Trading Day!
Close up of Miss Lauren Aiono-oops I mean Webb hehe "winks"
Ben bargaining with Jason! Love it!!
Look at all the cool toys the Ellsworth's had. I'm gonna do all my Christmas shopping at trading day next year!
Luke, making a sale!
Kainoa and Luke making a deal :0)
Getting sugar wasted lol I'm not the only mom who fed her baby sugar all night lol ...
Dora lol
Fitu counting her money and having so much fun. (she deserves it)
Say Cheese Raegan!!
Had to get a close up of the lei, :) Raegan had a blast!
Lauren said " take a picture of me eating a cookie" lol whats up with the Webb kids all camera happy heheh jk
cute little stores on blankets :)
Asa trying to find customers ...
Johann counting her money!!
"humm should I buy my own toys back?" lol
Kate buying some fun stuff!
Kate making sure she gets right change back :)
Lance making a purchase ;)
Afton, soo cute! bought a balloon and thinking about buying a book ...
Ammonia holding on to his box of money and candy! lol
Lance earned beans at home and thought his magic beans would turn into real money lol how cute!

Fun stuff my kids bought!

Kainoa, looks like ya ran outta money buddy lol
Mike got chocolate wasted too lol
Toys that Asa bought for his baby sis! what a sweet big brother .... and check out the cool swim shoes!
Cumorah woke up this morning looking for her cute little bunny Lauren bought her! Thanks Lauren!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Trading Day Is here!

Livermore Trading Day - Family Home Evening Night.

Chairs, tables, blankets
stuff to trade: for example, old toys, candy, baked goods, fruit, games, movies, price tags (if you want)

We will have the money to trade in for how ever many points or pebbles your kids earned this summer.

Grass Park on Oakville. directions included.

See you tonight :0)

Friday, July 29, 2011

changed the date!

Hello friends and family,

I can't believe Summer Trading Day is almost here. It was scheduled for Monday August 1st but due to scout camp that week we are changing the date to Monday August 8th, 2011. We thought this would be a nice family home evening activity.

Can't wait to see how the kids run their little stores. My boys have been earning "points" all summer and they are so excited.

Please help me spread the word about the change of date. Thanks so much!

Location: Grassy park with no play structure on Cowan Way.
Date: Monday Family Home Evening Activity August 8th
Time: 6-8pm
Bring: stuff to trade, sell, tables, chairs, blankets, dinner, snacks ...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fun story!

Today the Webb children came over and I thought I'd have a mini trading day today. I had them earn pebbles today for participating in fun activities, picking up trash lol, sharing, etc. I then set up a small snack shop with junk food for them to use their pebble's.

Ive never seen such cooperative children. They were so willing to work and were scrambling around looking for more trash to pick up lol. The kids had a blast.

Would love to hear all of your fun stories this summer!

BTW: I do not normally give out pebbles. I am using a point system and will cash them out the day of, which they could trade in for currency they could use during summer trading day.


Pokemon Cards

Asa bought this stack of Pokemon cards for $1000 rocks. He actually paid for these before actual trading day ... he was working his negotiation skills lol. I was happy he didn't use REAL money! Pokemon cards or any type of cards is something I hate to spend real money on because his younger brother's and cousins get into them and ruin them.

Summer Trading Day updates (hope this helps)

Trading Day will be on Monday August 1st at 6pm at the grassy area near your home. Everyone bring a picnic style dinner.

We will have a currency exchange so all the kids have the same type of "money" to use.

Bring tables,blanket,signs... any items for your kids to set up their shop. They can bring items from home, treats and goodies, anything you want to get rid of.

Please put prices on your items. The dollar tree has the little garage sale sticker tags.

Earning "money"- Your "money" can be 3 different colored beans, colored popsicle sticks..decorative pebbles, buttons etc.

You can use any type of "money" to pay out to your kids during the summer. We use rocks in amounts of 1,10,100..then everything should be added up before trading day. You come to the currency exchange and let us know the amount each child deserves to be "paid" out.

Here are some ideas we came up with and reasonable amounts for them. You come up with your own. Everyone has different things they are trying to encourage in their own home.


saying polite words

being kind to someone

taking plate to the sink

washing hands for meals

You will notice that 1's and 5's will be given out often throughout your day to encourage lots of good behavior.


finish a book

work on math or word flashcards

do math worksheet

caught being good

doing something the first time after being asked

making a bed

doing something around the house without being asked

being ready to leave the house on time


Caught doing something REALLY good

Kind deed

mowing the lawn

after reading a set number of books

attained a big goal you set with him/her

cleaning a large room in the house

Reading scriptures and praying on own for a week

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Information meeting

Hi Everyone,

In case you haven't heard we are having a kick off / information meeting for our Summer trading day on Tuesday June 14…Northfront Park (Alamaden Way in Springtown, TakeNorthfront to Herman Ave, to Rubicon Way, Left at Alamaden Way )

This is the same park and time the mommy play group will meet ...

Everyone is welcome ...

hope to see you there!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Hi Everyone,

these are the pebbles I found at a yardsale for $1.00. The picture with the jar is something I found at Target but seems a bit pricey. I also heard you can get them from Dollar Tree or maybe check freecycle. OR you could just use rocks.

I also am thinking that I will hang on to the pebbles for Ammon and Aaron because they would probably eat em or lose em lol ...

this is not meant to be a lot of work in keeping track and records, cause I am so not good at that. I will probably do my best to keep track maybe a tally mark of some sort that the kids could see... and just pay off the kids on trading day.

I really like Kathie's idea of some sort of treat after earning 10 or so pebbles.

post a comment and dont forget to click follow ...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pictures from Mrs. Pedersen's Ohlone Trading Day May 2011

Hope the parents of these children don't mind me posting pictures of their kids lol cause I did not ask permission.